6: Andrea (Shreiner) Cramer

06 April 2014

In first grade, I met my first “life friend”-- you know, the kind of friend who continues to be your friend for years and years, even when you’re not in the same class anymore-- Andrea (Shreiner) Cramer. I suppose it was Mrs. Heinrick’s “Hawaiian Rainbow” that united us at the time, but as two hula-dancing six year olds, a true friendship was born. 
We made up dance routines and played with the seemingly-constant new litter of kittens in her barn. We spent many summers on the same Little League team (our parents even coached us once… once was enough for them!).

Later Andrea and I both transferred to EBCS, the Christian school down the road, where we made more crazy friends...
 and shared volleyball, softball, drama and choir together.
Eventually, we even went to the same college (Moody Bible Institute). 
But with Andrea, there was always something more that united us than just these common activities/places… we shared the same heart. Ann, thanks for praying with me those early Tuesday mornings our senior year (along with Kallay, but she’ll come into this story later…) :), for encouraging me to love God and love people with such sincerity, and for caring about the nations. I know we’ve been separated by much time and space these days, but I am confident that the next time we see each other, it will still be just as sweet. I am grateful for your influence in my life, and excited to see what God will do with your life & family!

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