12: Mrs. Fruth

12 April 2014

In sixth grade, I transferred to the local Christian school and landed in Mrs. Fruth's class.

Mrs. Fruth was awesome. She gave us free time as long as one of us was giving her a back-rub. She joined in when we were obsessed with those "jelly shoes" and even got a pair of her own. And on April Fool's Day, the girls in our class somehow convinced her to let us dump all the boys' desks into a huge pile in the middle of the room while they were outside at recess. The boys were justifiably upset, and we spent the entire afternoon sorting it all out (instead of math or science or even back-rubs). I'm pretty sure she got a few phone calls from parents that night... but it was so worth it. :)

I remember the afternoon when she pulled me aside and showed me a little bottle cap she'd found at the beach. It was corroded and overgrown with some kind of fungus so that you could hardly tell what it was anymore. She told me that it reminded her of sin and how it grows and destroys and covers up what we were meant to be, but that God sees who we are inside. Then she gave me that little bottle cap, and I kept it to this day.

I also remember the day when she challenged me to read the Bible on my own for the first time. I'd been a Christian for a while and learned about the Bible at church and at home, but I'd never really read it for myself. Mrs. Fruth encouraged me to start with the Proverbs-- one for each day of the month. I did, and I have not stopped reading the Bible since.

I don't know how to contact her, but if someone reading this has a way, could you please pass along my gratitude? Thank you, Mrs. Fruth, for your impact on my life.

1 comment :

  1. Hi Amanda....I am on Facebook with Sue!!!! Carl and I did her and Jim's premarital counseling, and I was blessed to coordinate their wedding :). Scott had her in 6th grade, and I'm pretty sure that was her first year to teach. We loved her instantly! I will happily pass your appreciation on to her!!!! Love you, Lori
