17: Teachers, Coaches & "Life Coaches"

17 April 2014

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of attending a small, Christian high school was the personal relationships I formed with coaches and teachers. As I think back on those formative years, I am so thankful for all of the adults who invested in my life.

I am thankful for Mr. Ryall, my math teacher and volleyball coach, who put up with all of us teenage girls (God bless him!), pushed us to become better athletes, and challenged us to always keep our perspective greater than just a volleyball game.

I'm thankful for Mr. Billman, my softball coach, who gave me a chance at pitching (even after a wild pitch flew over the back-stop...) and encouraged me to keep a level head when I got frustrated, and for Mrs. Billman, his wife, who led me all four years in "Power Plus" (a kind of small group at our school).

I'm thankful for Eric Hiler, my drama director. For four years, he tolerated our crazy shenanigans, inspired us with his big ideas, and helped us believe that we could actually pull them off. I have such fond memories from drama-- the early morning practices, the challenge of memorizing lines, the nerves before a performance, and the satisfaction of standing ovation. Thank you, Eric, for letting me be a part of all that.

I'm thankful for Mr. & Mrs. Shubert, who showed such sincere care for students' lives both inside of school and out, and even invited our volleyball team to their home every fall for pre-game dinner.

I'm thankful for Mrs. Stahley, my English teacher and class advisor. Her sweet and gentle spirit reflect a heart that loves her Savior. She took time to pray with us at the beginning of every single class. And I will never forget the time she made me look up the definition of "rude." (Hopefully I've learned a thing or two since then...) ;)

I'm thankful for Mr. Cassaletto, my Spanish teacher and class advisor, who instilled in me a love for Spanish, not just as a second language but as a means to communicate with real people. He took us Christmas caroling every December to the Hispanic homes in our community. On top of that, he was a phenomenal teacher--we actually learned Spanish in his class, and we had fun doing it! This greatly influenced my decision to study Spanish, following my graduation, at Palabra de Vida in Argentina. Gracias, Señor Cass, por su influencia en mi vida!

Ok... now for a slight detour... this next group doesn't exactly fall in the "teachers" or "coaches" category, but I'm including them here because they certainly "taught" and "coached" me along the way!

So, to all my aunts and uncles... for the sake of continuity, I'm calling you my "life coaches" (which, come to think of it, is a fairly accurate description). :)

I’m thankful for my Aunt Martha, with her funky earrings and purple nail polish, who asks such intentional questions and lets me cry at our coffee dates at the Brew...
for my Aunt Patty, the life of every party, who has modeled for me authentic faith and JOY in the midst of chronic health challenges...
and for my Uncle Ron and Aunt Jyl and their spiritual input, discernment, and prayers around their kitchen table in Nashville, TN.

I’m thankful for my Aunt Margaret’s faith and encouragement in my own health challenges, and for my Aunt Mary's humble and gentle spirit...
for my Uncle Johnny & Aunt Anne and their wise counsel around the Little Eden campfires...
my Uncle Joe—the “fun uncle” who could always rope us into an adventure...
and my Aunt Jane—the closest thing to a “Proverbs 31” woman that I have ever seen.

Surely I am blessed to follow such a generation.

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