20: Dr. Litfin

20 April 2014

During my first semester at Moody, I enrolled in a class called “The Church and Its Doctrines” with Dr. Bryan Litfin. Dr. Litfin's teaching seemed unorthodox compared to how I'd been brought up. I was feisty and argumentative, we were both stubborn, and an unlikely but lasting friendship was born. :)

When the next fall came around, Dr. Litfin chose me to be one of his two Teacher’s Assistants, which meant weekly "team meetings," lots of Snickers bars, and dinners with the Litfin family.

My memory is a bit foggy, but I think this trip to the water park was also included in my job description... :)

Throughout my last two years at Moody, I looked forward to those meetings in Sweeting 351-- most of which turned into counseling sessions, and poor Dr. Litfin had to listen to hours of my drama, stories, and tears. But still, he always seemed so genuinely interested and continued to ask meaningful questions even after I'd chatted his ears off. I guess I felt safe to just talk. He always kept a box of Kleenex for me, and I think he may have even used one for himself a time or two. :)

The Litfin family supported me when I went to India, both financially and through faithful prayer and encouragement. And their house was always open whenever I returned to Chicago for a visit.

Outside of my own family, I have never felt so supported by anyone. No matter the situation-- whether processing life decisions, struggling through relationships/singleness, or dreaming of writing a book someday-- Dr. Litfin has always been my biggest fan.

I was so honored when he made the whirlwind trip to Birmingham just to be at my wedding.

Dr. Litfin (or Bryan, as you now insist)-- thank you for your continued influence in my life, for all the wise counsel, for praying with me, believing in me, and simply caring about my life. It's amazing how much that can make a person feel loved.

I praise God for bringing you into my life... even if we never see eye-to-eye on whether or not the world was created in seven literal days. :)

P.S. I think you'd be happy to know that Danny and I are currently in the Smokies, celebrating our anniversary and revisiting the cabin that you gifted us for our honeymoon last year. Once again, THANK YOU!

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