15: Upperclassmen

15 April 2014

As a freshman at many high schools (or at least in movies), you can expect to be beat up, picked on, or at best, ignored. Not at my high school.

At my high school, upperclassmen treated me as a friend, rather than an inferior. And for that, I am grateful.

I think of Tricia (Griffey) Ritchie, who chose me as her partner in volleyball drills--even though I was a younger, weaker player--and patiently helped me to improve my setting.

I think of Richelle (Clem) Viront, my softball pitching inspiration, who also made my worst volleyball sets look amazing as she smashed them over the net. :)

I think of Sallyann (Freet) Yakym, my softball catcher and ever-encourager with sweet notes in my locker before all our games.

I think of Melissa (Mattner) Weston, Erin (Olson) Ferguson, and Kristina (Freel) Lehman, those three brunette bombshells who were just as beautiful on the inside as out. :) We played volleyball together, went on youth group trips, and made really amazing music videos. Wow.

And of course, I am especially grateful for Kristina, who would later join our family. My brother is one very lucky guy.

Kristina, ever since high school, I have observed your sweet and gentle spirit and have looked up to you as a role model. I guess I lucked out that someone I admired so much would one day become my sister. :)

I remember the time you pulled me aside on the volleyball bench and prayed with me when I was frustrated during a game. Your compassionate heart and listening ear have continued to encourage me again and again to this day.

Thank you for loving Austin so well and for raising some pretty adorable kiddos. Our family is better off with you in it.

I praise God for your friendship and for your influence on my life. I love you! 

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