When I say I have a lot of cousins, I mean, I have a LOT of cousins… 46 to be exact (37 Lehmans, 9 Neufelds). And these are first cousins we’re talking about, not that distant “second-cousin-once-removed” kinda thing.

Furthermore, everyone is statistically bound to have at least one cousin of his same age and gender. The boys always had enough for two full football teams, and I was sandwiched between three other girls, all born within a 6-month span.
Annie was on the Neufeld side. We played dress-up and performed awesome dance routines in the family talent shows. Once we exchanged clothes and were convinced that everyone would mistake us for each other if I was wearing her dress and she was wearing mine. I think it worked. ;)
Annie is now a wife and mother of two precious girls (who will probably exchange clothes and make up awesome dance routines of their own). Annie, thank you for your gentle spirit, your authentic love for Christ, and your friendship in my life. I love you!
Liza and Bekah were on the Lehman side, and sometime in our growing up years, we were affectionately deemed “The Bekah Bunch.”
We dreamed of being Craft Shop ladies, got fried on the beach every summer (you'd think we'd have learned to wear sunscreen!), and perhaps, from time to time, caused a little trouble. :)
Bekah, I admire your strength, creativity, and courage. Your boys are lucky to have such an amazing mama! Thank you for living with passion, for caring for the least of these, and for faithfully walking with God. Your honest and sincere faith in Christ, in all circumstances, inspires me (and many others as well), and I am always honored when people think we are sisters. :) I love you!
We vacationed together at least once a year and knew (almost) everyone on a first-name basis. ;) Once when the Lehmans were hiking in the Smoky Mountains, someone asked if we were on a school field trip. Nope, we’re just a family. A very large and loud family.

Having so many cousins, however, has its advantages. For one, you can't expect your parents to always keep an eye on you... :)
Annie was on the Neufeld side. We played dress-up and performed awesome dance routines in the family talent shows. Once we exchanged clothes and were convinced that everyone would mistake us for each other if I was wearing her dress and she was wearing mine. I think it worked. ;)
Liza and Bekah were on the Lehman side, and sometime in our growing up years, we were affectionately deemed “The Bekah Bunch.”
We dreamed of being Craft Shop ladies, got fried on the beach every summer (you'd think we'd have learned to wear sunscreen!), and perhaps, from time to time, caused a little trouble. :)
Liza, with all we've been through together over the years, calling you a "cousin" just doesn't cut it.
From the grueling marathons,
to our crazy Indian adventures,
you've become a dear friend and sister to me.
Thank you for your constant encouragement and joyful servant's heart, for embracing life to the full, and for running hard after Jesus, no matter where He leads. You are absolutely radiant, Liza, from the inside out, and I am so honored to be a spectator of God's beautiful work in your life. I love you!
Manda! You love so well... thanks for the example of a life poured at Jesus' feet. It's changed me over the years. Love you! and Bekah! And here's to more adventures with the Bekah bunch! :)