Sipi Falls

11 July 2013

Ever since the first time I visited Sipi Falls, I knew I had to bring my wife some day. It's no doubt one of my favorite places in the world... Quaint cottages are seated at the base of a series of massive waterfalls, and the tranquility of it all makes it like paradise. One friend here put it well, “It’s perfection.”

Amazing food...

... breathtaking scenery...

... ample hiking opportunities (and my we are out of shape!).

My favorite coffee is grown here, and I blame Sipi Falls for turning into a coffee snob!

With this, we complete the African leg of our journey. Our bags are packed and the taxi is waiting to take us to the airport. We're looking forward to a few days in Europe before heading home to see our families!

1 comment :

  1. I should recommend this trip to anyone planning to visit Uganda,its really perfect as you said i took a few friends there from canada,they visited me here in kampala and they were not expecting something like this they were really surprised to see the falls and they kept telling me they couldnt wait to return home to show the pics to their family members
