Ready? Is it possible to be ready for such a moment like this?
On a physical level, perhaps. We’ve installed a car seat (that’s not for a child I nanny!), packed a hospital bag, and prepared a nursery to bring our little one home to—overwhelmed with gratitude as we recognize that every single thing in this room has been given to us. THANK YOU.
We’re certainly excited… growing daily in anticipation to meet the little one who will soon be a part of our family!
But, to be honest, we’re also terrified… terrified of the massive change that’s about to take place, the unknowns, the end of one season and the beginning of another so new and so… permanent.
I was recently thinking back on my life and realized that I have grieved at every major turning point—bawled my eyes out at high school graduation; called my mom shortly after college sobbing, “Is it all downhill from here?!”; wept before India; wept after India; even grieved the end of singleness before Danny & I were married—not knowing the JOY that awaited around every corner, a joy that would quickly make all those tears seem unnecessary and make me wonder, “What in the world was I so afraid of?!”
I trust that this new season will be no different. And while it doesn’t necessarily eradicate all fear, I do look forward with great anticipation to the JOY that awaits around this corner and to the day when I will hold our sweet child and wonder, “What in the world was I so afraid of?”
In the mean time, grateful to be held by the steadfast love of the Lord—a perfect love that casts out fear (1 John 4:18)—and for the promised ultimate joy of dwelling with Him forever (Ps. 23:6).
Ready or not, here we come!
Beautiful! Love the nursery! We look forward to hearing the joyful news and are praying for you!!