Big week for our Janie Bear! She took her first flight...
(1. Check out that hair!
2. Danny says it's way more annoying when other people's babies cry on airplanes...) :)
and generously gave out her first responsive smiles. We are eating this up!!!
She met her Great Grandma Marge...
{ 4 Generations }
and her two Lehman girl cousins...
and was showered with love from Indiana friends and family.
Looks like someone's a little partied-out... :)
Special thanks to my mom and sisters for throwing such a sweet celebration. It's hard being so far away from you all, but I'm grateful for our times together and for the way each of you love our sweet Jane.
As I sat in the living room with about 3 dozen women, I couldn't help but think about the many babies in the world who are not this fortunate. Jane is truly blessed, and I'm glad I could participate in her celebration. Love, Great-Grandma Marge