Holiday Fun!

08 June 2013

For two weeks of every year, the boys here at Shishya go home to visit their families. Many of them have living parents/relatives, but due to various circumstances, it is best for them to be raised here. A few of them, however, remain here during the holiday time, and so we have enjoyed being "family" with them this week.

And what a fun week it has been! Danny joined the guys for some "man time" in Mussuori, going zip-lining...

... and hiking. It was such a fun time of good, brotherly bonding.

And yesterday, we loaded up the vehicles for a picnic day all together. 
First stop for a touristy paddle boat ride...

 ...(don't they look so EXCITED?!?)

...and then a perfect afternoon of picnicking and swimming at a secluded river nearby.

Danny stirred up trouble with the big boys...

...while Amanda and Vijay made a sand aligator. 
(Thanks, Dad, for the many years of practice at Little Eden!)


We are so thankful for these past 6 weeks at Shishya and all that we have learned and experienced together. We'll be leaving tomorrow morning to begin our travels to AFRICA and can't wait for the adventures that await us!

1 comment :

  1. LOVE the alligator, Amanda! We'll be making one again in about 6 weeks. :)
    Great post. Looks like you're having the time of your lives. We're in Ohio with Audi & LT this weekend for a triathlon--biking, swimming and shopping!
    Love you,
    Mom Lehman
