From April to August...
In our short four months of marriage, I think we've slept in about 28 different places-- on trains, planes, and buses, tree houses and hotels, and in the homes of sweet friends (and gracious parents!), just to name a few. While this made for some amazing and unforgettable experiences, we are so thankful now to be settled into one place for a while!
Home sweet home on Morning Sun Drive.
And now for my mom and sisters who've asked for a tour...
Our landlady says she heated the whole house with just the fireplace in the winter!
Our gorgeous bed made by my father.
And my favorite part...
Last week I came home from babysitting to find this... twinkly vintage lights strung from the ceiling, fresh summer flowers, and a candle-lit dinner for two on our new patio table. MY HUSBAND IS AMAZING! :-)
We've already eaten most of our meals out here and plan to get lots of use out of this patio.
So, there ya have it... come and visit us soon!